Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
safely in minneapolis
it's pretty lovely here. classes are fun. new website in progress... in wordpress!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
soon there will be marcy 4.0
just letting you all know. soon. new site. wordpress! (I can hear molly cheering)...
but in two days, minneapolis. time to start over, a bit.
but in two days, minneapolis. time to start over, a bit.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
new animations!
yeah, they are pretty ridiculous and the Luvs one is by no means finished (needs longer scenes to get the effect I wanted, plus you can't see the cool clouds I drew)... but these were good exercises to learn After Effects!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
marcell waves and peekaru
so sometime soon I will post a photo of my new hair (I just learned how to do Marcell waves)...
but in the meantime, this is super creepy. What baby would enjoy this?!
but in the meantime, this is super creepy. What baby would enjoy this?!

Friday, May 22, 2009
chop off your hair, ma'am!
gonna chop my hair off tomorrow. I mean, today, because it's 2am. awesome.
Let's see, updates...
1. going to minneapolis saturday/sunday to look at places to live... spending some quality time with my mom before I ship off for two years.
2. my birfday is monday! I also happen to be directing a commercial that day. in the morning. after (probably) hours of dancing. uh oh!
3. I am working on a really cool iPhone app for my interface design class... it's essentially twitter, personals, facebook and urbanspoon but for bars... i swear it's not quite as creepy as it sounds.
4. two papers left in my college career until I NEVER HAVE TO WRITE A PAPER EVER AGAIN.
5. i'm addicted to biking. again.
6. random: it went from 80 to 50 degrees in the past 6 hours. crazy!
watching: benj button
reading: lots of pop culture articles for my media context class
contemplating: redoing my website in wordpress so that it's not a pain in the ass.
also contemplating: hilarious photos of me with overlays of oil paint...or a muzzle...
happy with: new vegan and recycled gladiator sandals and messenger bag
excited: to graduate, duh
want: new moleskine! to celebrate no more academic note-taking!
in need of: some sort of homeopathic sleep aid that actually works.
Let's see, updates...
1. going to minneapolis saturday/sunday to look at places to live... spending some quality time with my mom before I ship off for two years.
2. my birfday is monday! I also happen to be directing a commercial that day. in the morning. after (probably) hours of dancing. uh oh!
3. I am working on a really cool iPhone app for my interface design class... it's essentially twitter, personals, facebook and urbanspoon but for bars... i swear it's not quite as creepy as it sounds.
4. two papers left in my college career until I NEVER HAVE TO WRITE A PAPER EVER AGAIN.
5. i'm addicted to biking. again.
6. random: it went from 80 to 50 degrees in the past 6 hours. crazy!
watching: benj button
reading: lots of pop culture articles for my media context class
contemplating: redoing my website in wordpress so that it's not a pain in the ass.
also contemplating: hilarious photos of me with overlays of oil paint...or a muzzle...
happy with: new vegan and recycled gladiator sandals and messenger bag
excited: to graduate, duh
want: new moleskine! to celebrate no more academic note-taking!
in need of: some sort of homeopathic sleep aid that actually works.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm going to regret posting this...
But here's my first ever non-clay/stop animation. you can tell I worked really hard on the first 45 seconds and then it trails off when I ran out of time before it was due.
Really looking forward to redoing large chunks of it though! I also have some really cool claymation and traditional animation stuff coming up as part of my final due in June...
Really looking forward to redoing large chunks of it though! I also have some really cool claymation and traditional animation stuff coming up as part of my final due in June...
die geschichte vom suppen-kaspar rough draft from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
it would be good to update more...
yes, it would.
I did indeed get into Miami Ad School. I am so excited it's slightly unbearable at the moment. I have 5 weeks left of school and the amount of homework (not all the good kind... often papers which are not my forte) is inundating since I am taking an extra class. I'm honestly a bit terrified I won't graduate, written stuff is not my forte.
BUT. Soon. creative homework, always! I can't wait for the day when my moleskine doesn't have academic homework in it. No more notes from my jumbled mind in lecture halls filled with 150 kids, some sleeping. Just.... ideas. sketches. I can't wait.
ALSO, soon, obviously, I am moving to Minneapolis. I am apartment-hunting during memorial day weekend. Got a few places to look at, some are even houses that need roommates. After living in a basement for so long in a studio set up it'll be nice to have roommates, though I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
watching "The Reader"
wanting some screenprinting paint and a new laptop
dreaming about 2nd year abroad in Hamburg
wondering how to find energy to graduate
in need of better weather for more biking
optimistic about optimism
the updates may come off as sort of random but they should be more frequent.
I did indeed get into Miami Ad School. I am so excited it's slightly unbearable at the moment. I have 5 weeks left of school and the amount of homework (not all the good kind... often papers which are not my forte) is inundating since I am taking an extra class. I'm honestly a bit terrified I won't graduate, written stuff is not my forte.
BUT. Soon. creative homework, always! I can't wait for the day when my moleskine doesn't have academic homework in it. No more notes from my jumbled mind in lecture halls filled with 150 kids, some sleeping. Just.... ideas. sketches. I can't wait.
ALSO, soon, obviously, I am moving to Minneapolis. I am apartment-hunting during memorial day weekend. Got a few places to look at, some are even houses that need roommates. After living in a basement for so long in a studio set up it'll be nice to have roommates, though I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
watching "The Reader"
wanting some screenprinting paint and a new laptop
dreaming about 2nd year abroad in Hamburg
wondering how to find energy to graduate
in need of better weather for more biking
optimistic about optimism
the updates may come off as sort of random but they should be more frequent.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Argh, macintosh, don't let me down!
I don't know if it's my particular computer or if it's the latest build of OS X but I have to restart my computer numerous times a day because after it's been on awhile, if you try to do something that accesses Finder (ie. File>open or save image as or download etc) from ANY program, that program freezes and crashes a few minutes later. Is this just me?!?
-- sent via iPhone --
-- sent via iPhone --
Monday, April 20, 2009
my trip to Minneapolis
this past week I visited the lovely Minneapolis/St.Paul area to look at Miami Ad School, which was most excellent. I find out if I get in sometime this week!
Anyways, there was one iphone app that made my trip a LOT easier considering I'd never been outside of the Minneapolis airport.
The Amazing URBANSPOON app
and sure, I didn't find this before I left but pretty awesome: where to pee? iphone app
Anyways, there was one iphone app that made my trip a LOT easier considering I'd never been outside of the Minneapolis airport.
The Amazing URBANSPOON app
and sure, I didn't find this before I left but pretty awesome: where to pee? iphone app
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
You know you're getting old when...
...You spot a cute guy at the gym who smiles at you... Only to realize he's totally in highschool. He sees me as an "older women" - that's so strange!!
-- sent via iPhone --
-- sent via iPhone --
Monday, March 2, 2009
new lifestyles spec ad!
please watch and send to your friends! I need 600 views by March 13th for class. Thank you in advance.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
So the time has come for me to get with it and code more often with wordpress. Drupal is okay and Plone is a nightmare bit wordpress might just be what I need in my life. My awesome developer/designer friend Molly really got me into wordpress.
Currently I'm redoing the Northwestern Art Review website in Wordpress then I am transferring a novel-swapping community I have been working on for my uncle from Drupal to wordpress. I never really plan to get into developing but it is really nice to create things for clients and then have it so they can edit things on their own after a certain point.
Hopefully my new love for wordpress will get me through my last spring quarter here at northwestern (graduate in June!) because the idea of having to take an extra class and basically never sleeping is terribly unappealing. But here's to graduating!! And to my spring break trip to London and Hamburg with Christolf!!! Final days.
-- sent via iPhone --
Currently I'm redoing the Northwestern Art Review website in Wordpress then I am transferring a novel-swapping community I have been working on for my uncle from Drupal to wordpress. I never really plan to get into developing but it is really nice to create things for clients and then have it so they can edit things on their own after a certain point.
Hopefully my new love for wordpress will get me through my last spring quarter here at northwestern (graduate in June!) because the idea of having to take an extra class and basically never sleeping is terribly unappealing. But here's to graduating!! And to my spring break trip to London and Hamburg with Christolf!!! Final days.
-- sent via iPhone --
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
new midol commercial!
If you're interested in seeing the high res version of this, click here.
Otherwise please view below!
Otherwise please view below!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
softcup ads
Sad times of the recession
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I've always believed in fate...
And keeping with that train of thought, I'm actually rather pleased that I didn't get into Yale. I've really felt ad school pulling at me for months now. And honestly who wants to spend $100,000 to make art in new haven Connecticut???
On to greater plans. Hopefully an agency will take me up on wearing out my brain for the summer and I'll be off to Hamburg for Miami ad school in September. Wooo!
But what's the best part? A telltale sign? The day I get my rejection letter from Yale, it's 63 degrees out here in temperamental Chicago!!
-- sent via iPhone --
On to greater plans. Hopefully an agency will take me up on wearing out my brain for the summer and I'll be off to Hamburg for Miami ad school in September. Wooo!
But what's the best part? A telltale sign? The day I get my rejection letter from Yale, it's 63 degrees out here in temperamental Chicago!!
-- sent via iPhone --
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I drink too much coffee.
Friday, February 6, 2009
the move to germany
so, I heard today that Miami Ad School just opened a new base school in Berlin. Really cool. I'm still planning to do my first year in Hamburg but options are always great!
Fun fact of the day: auf Deutsch, a copywriter is a "Texter".
thanks to the evolution of mobile communication that put a big huge smile on my face.
Fun fact of the day: auf Deutsch, a copywriter is a "Texter".
thanks to the evolution of mobile communication that put a big huge smile on my face.
Monday, February 2, 2009
first mockup of midol ad
for adshop... we will be doing a rewrite and reshoot soon. but for a first go around mockup, pretty funny!
Midol Rough Cut #2 from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.
Midol Rough Cut #2 from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.
new cut of thesis project...
All you need to do to view this video is click here and request the password - no body to the email necessary. You will receive a password pronto! And no unsolicited email after the fact. This is sensitive material so sorry, this is how I have to do it! But please, check it out :)
The Big Excuse from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.
The Big Excuse from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
silly things of note
Well, sort of silly. I dyed my hair brown. It's only a big deal to me to part with my red hair because 2009 marks 10 years of red hair. I needed a change. My hair looks much healthier
already and for some reason I just feel....different. Guess it's a girl thing but it's what I needed.
In other news, my awesome friend Tara and I are teaming up to do some cool spec ads... urban decay, midol, jack daniels... you name it. Expect a lot of work up really soon. Hopefully this summer I'll be working downtown at an ad agency -- I think it'd be a good way to wear my brain out.
I know I mostly update thru Twitter but I'm going to try to get better about updating.
In other news, my awesome friend Tara and I are teaming up to do some cool spec ads... urban decay, midol, jack daniels... you name it. Expect a lot of work up really soon. Hopefully this summer I'll be working downtown at an ad agency -- I think it'd be a good way to wear my brain out.
I know I mostly update thru Twitter but I'm going to try to get better about updating.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
i know that i'm a creative person but right now i'm having lot of doubts/second guessing things in my life. i feel like everything is up in the air. it's really frustrating. i wish i could sleep 9 hours a night and get my shit together.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
oh dear...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today I received Miami Ad School's updated promotional materials...
and, well, I need out of Evanston. The Hamburg campus and the travel that would follow is giving me this itch I cannot currently scratch. I was not ready to do this a few years ago when I failed in my living-in-NYC endeavour but now I am ready to leave some stuff behind and tough it out; my dorm room at SVA was over-filled with belongings as I clung to everything I thought I could transport from Chicago to NYC. It was a messy, tear filled two years.
But now... I am ready. I am sitting in my room(s) that contain about a whole apartment worth of stuff crammed into half of the appropriate space. I want to leave a lot of it behind except some choice comfort books and and clothes. I love my accumulation of art supplies, I love my collection of art/coffee table books.... my photo equipment... my huge bed.... but you know what? I need to tough it out. This is becoming something I need to come back to in 2011 when I am ready to have my own place (Lincoln Square? I hope so) and deal with all of my......belongings.
Just a few more months and I get to start some things over. I can't wait. I need to face my "real life is scary" anxiety.
and, well, I need out of Evanston. The Hamburg campus and the travel that would follow is giving me this itch I cannot currently scratch. I was not ready to do this a few years ago when I failed in my living-in-NYC endeavour but now I am ready to leave some stuff behind and tough it out; my dorm room at SVA was over-filled with belongings as I clung to everything I thought I could transport from Chicago to NYC. It was a messy, tear filled two years.
But now... I am ready. I am sitting in my room(s) that contain about a whole apartment worth of stuff crammed into half of the appropriate space. I want to leave a lot of it behind except some choice comfort books and and clothes. I love my accumulation of art supplies, I love my collection of art/coffee table books.... my photo equipment... my huge bed.... but you know what? I need to tough it out. This is becoming something I need to come back to in 2011 when I am ready to have my own place (Lincoln Square? I hope so) and deal with all of my......belongings.
Just a few more months and I get to start some things over. I can't wait. I need to face my "real life is scary" anxiety.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
New photos in stitch magazine!
They're in there, the magazine as a whole is pretty damned sweet, as always. Enjoy! To see the website, please click here.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Okay, so this is where I'm going to put an ever changing list of things I need to round out Yale photos through this upcoming weekend now that the deadline is later than I thought. This list is going to keep changing as I figure out what actors/actresses/models I need so please keep checking back!
1. An actor and actress that can appear to be in love (or close to it). It'd be great if I could get two sets/couples... one photo is about floating, one is about electricity.
2. An actor comfortable with being shirtless.
3. An actress who thinks she could fake being an 18 year old porn star in the pre-reveal stage/ beginning of a film. The picture isn't even vulgar, I am just not good at explaining what I mean.
4. a piano! access to one. either upright or baby grand. would be best if it were in a house or apartment.
5. a person who would be comfortable appearing like their eyes are out of their sockets. Not as gross as it sounds, I swear. Or having a big huge fluttering heart like a hummingbird. It would be external, though.
6. An extremely (!) flexible person.... I want to do a parallel about human disfigurement so someone who can come close to contortion (with the aid of photoshop) will become my new hero in life.
7. an actress comfortable with having their skin peel off like leprosy.... not too gross but it's about making a parallel to social awkwardness. social leper? yeah. can't be allergic to latex, though.
8. someone who has makeup, latex or prosthetic experience or feels they would be good at it and wants to learn some stuff. There's only so much I can do on my own -- already built bones, a brain, a heart and possibly soon eyeballs soooooo???
If you can help in some way (and I'm all for $$ for services rendered or any thing else I can offer) please email me!
Okay, so this is where I'm going to put an ever changing list of things I need to round out Yale photos through this upcoming weekend now that the deadline is later than I thought. This list is going to keep changing as I figure out what actors/actresses/models I need so please keep checking back!
1. An actor and actress that can appear to be in love (or close to it). It'd be great if I could get two sets/couples... one photo is about floating, one is about electricity.
2. An actor comfortable with being shirtless.
3. An actress who thinks she could fake being an 18 year old porn star in the pre-reveal stage/ beginning of a film. The picture isn't even vulgar, I am just not good at explaining what I mean.
4. a piano! access to one. either upright or baby grand. would be best if it were in a house or apartment.
5. a person who would be comfortable appearing like their eyes are out of their sockets. Not as gross as it sounds, I swear. Or having a big huge fluttering heart like a hummingbird. It would be external, though.
6. An extremely (!) flexible person.... I want to do a parallel about human disfigurement so someone who can come close to contortion (with the aid of photoshop) will become my new hero in life.
7. an actress comfortable with having their skin peel off like leprosy.... not too gross but it's about making a parallel to social awkwardness. social leper? yeah. can't be allergic to latex, though.
8. someone who has makeup, latex or prosthetic experience or feels they would be good at it and wants to learn some stuff. There's only so much I can do on my own -- already built bones, a brain, a heart and possibly soon eyeballs soooooo???
If you can help in some way (and I'm all for $$ for services rendered or any thing else I can offer) please email me!
a little bit of dumbness...
I have my notsosmart moments. I thought my Yale application was due the 7th and it actually just has to be in the admissions people's hands by the 16th at the absolutely latest. So just to be safe, I will overnight-fedex-it on the 13th or 14th.
To say that I sighed the biggest sigh of relief known to man is SUCH an understatement. Why am I so horrible at reading instructions? It said postmarked by the 7th but received by the 16th.... yeah. I am really not always the brightest crayon in the box.
To say that I sighed the biggest sigh of relief known to man is SUCH an understatement. Why am I so horrible at reading instructions? It said postmarked by the 7th but received by the 16th.... yeah. I am really not always the brightest crayon in the box.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
bones, bones, bones.
edits edits edits.
everything posted below... if you click on the photos and then hold down shift+refresh you will see new, better looking images. tada! edits.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
more magical realism...
though I'm not happy with how the light is falling in this version, I think it needs some burning and dodging to make the light fall correctly. anyways, here's a test.

i first saw it as feeling like you're capable of suffocating in a bathtub - making your own grave, but perhaps now she just really feels.....dirty. really, really dirty.
i first saw it as feeling like you're capable of suffocating in a bathtub - making your own grave, but perhaps now she just really feels.....dirty. really, really dirty.
Friday, January 2, 2009
if i were to become a fashion photographer...
I would try to be like Ruven Afanador.
Except maybe more messed up. But seriously.... amazing. beyond amazing. I hate 90% of fashion and commercial photography so I am truly impressed.
Except maybe more messed up. But seriously.... amazing. beyond amazing. I hate 90% of fashion and commercial photography so I am truly impressed.
something new.
finally getting around to going through these gobs of photos sitting in Bridge...
here's something interesting from my new "magical realism part I: involuntary introspection" (I'm not really going to call it that, but it does make me laugh).
at least two more of these will go up by Sunday.
Much thanks to the amazing Ashley and Chris.
here's something interesting from my new "magical realism part I: involuntary introspection" (I'm not really going to call it that, but it does make me laugh).
at least two more of these will go up by Sunday.
Much thanks to the amazing Ashley and Chris.
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