gonna chop my
hair off tomorrow. I mean, today, because it's 2am. awesome.
Let's see, updates...
1. going to minneapolis saturday/sunday to look at places to live... spending some quality time with my mom before I ship off for two years.
2. my birfday is monday! I also happen to be directing a commercial that day. in the morning. after (probably) hours of dancing. uh oh!
3. I am working on a really cool iPhone app for my interface design class... it's essentially twitter, personals, facebook and urbanspoon but for bars... i swear it's not quite as creepy as it sounds.
4. two papers left in my college career until I NEVER HAVE TO WRITE A PAPER EVER AGAIN.
5. i'm addicted to biking. again.
6. random: it went from 80 to 50 degrees in the past 6 hours. crazy!
watching: benj button
reading: lots of pop culture articles for my media context class
contemplating: redoing my website in wordpress so that it's not a pain in the ass.
also contemplating: hilarious photos of me with overlays of oil paint...or a muzzle...
happy with: new vegan and recycled gladiator sandals and messenger bag
excited: to graduate, duh
want: new moleskine! to celebrate no more academic note-taking!
in need of: some sort of homeopathic sleep aid that actually works.