Thursday, February 26, 2009


So the time has come for me to get with it and code more often with wordpress. Drupal is okay and Plone is a nightmare bit wordpress might just be what I need in my life. My awesome developer/designer friend Molly really got me into wordpress.

Currently I'm redoing the Northwestern Art Review website in Wordpress then I am transferring a novel-swapping community I have been working on for my uncle from Drupal to wordpress. I never really plan to get into developing but it is really nice to create things for clients and then have it so they can edit things on their own after a certain point.

Hopefully my new love for wordpress will get me through my last spring quarter here at northwestern (graduate in June!) because the idea of having to take an extra class and basically never sleeping is terribly unappealing. But here's to graduating!! And to my spring break trip to London and Hamburg with Christolf!!! Final days.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

m83 music video

a bunch of my friends worked on/are in this video. it's pretty cool. take a look!

Monday, February 16, 2009

new midol commercial!

If you're interested in seeing the high res version of this, click here.

Otherwise please view below!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

softcup ads

"instead"/the "softcup" really needs rebranding and a new campaign... so I sort of did both. And redid their logo, though I guess it's a bit of a joke.

Sad times of the recession

Went to a shopping mall from my childhood yesterday. This is the former kb toys store.... Depressing times! Yikes. I am really hoping we pull out of this soon.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

well, we do what we gotta do

and that would be make photos into ads. sad ads, but hopefully affective ads.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I've always believed in fate...

And keeping with that train of thought, I'm actually rather pleased that I didn't get into Yale. I've really felt ad school pulling at me for months now. And honestly who wants to spend $100,000 to make art in new haven Connecticut???

On to greater plans. Hopefully an agency will take me up on wearing out my brain for the summer and I'll be off to Hamburg for Miami ad school in September. Wooo!

But what's the best part? A telltale sign? The day I get my rejection letter from Yale, it's 63 degrees out here in temperamental Chicago!!

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

I drink too much coffee.

I do. It's obnoxious. I guess I'm just preparing for a career of no sleep and therefore frenzied creativity. Not so bad.

Shooting new midol commercial tomorrow!

here's the totally gross front cupholder section from my car... there's a day's worth of energy.

sent via iPhone --

Friday, February 6, 2009

the move to germany

so, I heard today that Miami Ad School just opened a new base school in Berlin. Really cool. I'm still planning to do my first year in Hamburg but options are always great!

Fun fact of the day: auf Deutsch, a copywriter is a "Texter".

thanks to the evolution of mobile communication that put a big huge smile on my face.

Monday, February 2, 2009

first mockup of midol ad

for adshop... we will be doing a rewrite and reshoot soon. but for a first go around mockup, pretty funny!

Midol Rough Cut #2 from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.

new cut of thesis project...

All you need to do to view this video is click here and request the password - no body to the email necessary. You will receive a password pronto! And no unsolicited email after the fact. This is sensitive material so sorry, this is how I have to do it! But please, check it out :)

The Big Excuse from Marcy Capron on Vimeo.